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Upcoming and Recent Talks


November 2024. University of Pittsburgh. Philosophy Department and HPS Department joint colloquium. How Physics Flew the Philosophers’ Nest.


May 2024. Keynote. Emilie Du Châtelet’s Scientific Methodology: Hypotheses and the Principles of Knowledge. Online conference. What can we know? Du Châtelet and the limits of our knowledge.


March 2024. Harvard University. First New England Workshop on the History and Philosophy of Physics. Constructive and principle theories in d’Alembert’s Treatise on Dynamics.


March 2024. Harvard University. Philosophy Department Colloquium. How Physics Flew the Philosophers’ Nest.


March 2024. Harvard History of Philosophy Workshop. Du Châtelet on the metaphysics and epistemology of time.


March 2024. University of Colorado, Boulder. Du Châtelet on the metaphysics and epistemology of time.


January 2024. American Philosophical Association annual meeting. The metaphysics and epistemology of time in Du Châtelet’s Foundations


2023. Université Paris Nanterre. Workshop “Epistemolog and metaphysics”: extending new narrarives in philosophy. Du Châtelet on the epistemology and metaphysics of motion.


2023. New York University. Society of Women in Philosophy. Du Châtelet on the epistemology and metaphysics of motion.


August 2023. Plenary talk. Conference on Inductive Metaphysics: Insights, Challenges and Prospects. University of Düsseldorf, Germany. "Principles and evidence in metaphysical theorizing" [Cancelled]


June 2023. Nordic Network for Philosophy of Physics: Workshop on Mathematics in Physics. University of Oslo, Norway. "Fables and reveries: reasoning beyond the empirical evidence" 


November 2022. PSA symposium talk. "Du Châtelet on absolute and relative motion"


September 2022. Keynote address. Paderborn, Germany. "Du Châtelet and the Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence"


June 2022. Keynote address. HOPOS. "Philosophical Mechanics"[text][slides]


March 2022. Oxford Philosophy of Physics Seminar. "Du Châtelet, Euler, d'Alembert: constructive and principles approaches to philosophical mechanics". Watch here


May 2021. Public Lecture. O'Hara Lecture in Philosophy of Physics. University of Washington. "How Physics Flew the Philosophers' Nest". Watch here


February 2021. Physics Department. Florida International University. "Emilie Du Châtelet and the Foundations of Physics"


November 2019. Keynote Address. Metaphysics of Science Conference. "How physics flew the philosophers' nest" 


February 2019. UC-Irvine LPS Department. "Philosophical Mechanics: Philosophy of Physics in the 18th century"


November 2018. Boston Colloquium. "How it all began: the puzzle that led to Noether's theorems"


September 2018. Virginia Tech. "Émilie Du Châtelet and the Foundations of Physical Science"


September 2018. LMS-IMA Joint Meeting: Noether Celebration. "The puzzle that led to Noether’s theorems"


January 2018. APA. "Metaphysics and mechanics in Émilie Du Châtelet's Foundations of Physics"


November 2017. University of Milan. Conference: Causa sive ratio: causality and reason in modernity between metaphysics, epistemology and science. "The force of bodies"


November 2016. PSA biennial meeting. "Responding to Ptolemy versus Copernicus: equivalence and inequivalence in the development of scientific methodology"


July 2016. HOPOS. "Du Châtelet on Scientific Methodology"


June 1st-3rd, 2016. Columbia University. Conference on Émilie Du Châtelet. "Émilie Du Châtelet on scientific methodology"


April 14th-17th, 2016. Duke University. Conference: New Narratives in Philosophy. "Émilie Du Châtelet and the problem of bodies"


April 8th-9th, 2016. Grand Rapids. Calvin College and Grand Valley State University joint undergraduate conference. Keynote address. "Underdetermination of the theories, and what to do about it"


March 21st-23rd, 2016. Groningen. Conference: Early Modern Women on Metaphysics, Religion and Science. "Émilie Du Châtelet and the problem of bodies" See paper.


March 4th, 2016. UC Davis. "Émilie Du Châtelet and the foundations of physical science"


November 12-13th, 2015. Oslo, Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. "Knowing the World: Hilbert, Weyl and the Foundations of Physics"


July 2nd-3rd, 2015. British Society for the Philosophy of Science annual conference. "Émilie Du Châtelet and the Foundations of Natural Science" See paper.


May 14th, 2015. Oxford Study Day on Emilie Du Châtelet. "Reading the Institutions as a philosophical text: content and context in relation to the Encyclopedie" With Anne Seul.


March 27th, 2015. Boston. "Einstein, Hilbert, and the search for generally covariant field equations"


March 20th, 2015. Princeton. "Responding to Ptolemy versus Copernicus: equivalence and inequivalence in the development of scientific methdology" Talk with accompanying slides.

Contact information

Address: Department of Philosophy
201 West Duke Building
Campus Box 90743
Durham, NC 27708 U.S.A

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